Florian Mundhenke
Professor / University of LeipzigFlorian Mundhenke, M.A., Dr. phil. habil. Temporary Professor (W3) for Media Studies and Media Culture at University of Leipzig. Before he was Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Media and Communication (IMK) at University of Hamburg and Associate Professor for Media Hybridity (Juniorprofessor für Mediale Hybride) at the University of Leipzig, and Research Assistant at University of Marburg. He was speaker of the DFG-research network “Cinema as an experience space”: www.erfahrungsraum-kino.de. PhD dissertation on the phenomenon of chance in film in 2008. Habilitation (Lecture qualification thesis) on hybrid forms between documentary and fictional film. Other fields of research include: interactive factuality, cultural and social questions of media, contemporary media theories, narration and aesthetics of contemporary world cinema, media art.