Anna Wiehl
Research assistant / University of BayreuthAnna Wiehl has been a lecturer and research assistant at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, and has been a research fellow at the Digital Cultures Research Centre, University of the West of England, Bristol. Her transdisciplinary research focuses on digital media cultures and documentary practices.
In 2010, she received her PhD in the international program Cultural Encounters. Apart from her academic career, she has been working among others for ARTE and the German public broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk.
Currently, Anna is leading a research project on interactive documentary and finishing her habilitation The ‘New’ Documentary Nexus. Networked|Networking in Interactive Assemblages.
Her last publications include Networks Now & Then, “Participation That Makes a Difference – and Differences in Participation”, “The Database as ‘Laboratory of Thought'”, and “Minimalism, Miniaturisation and Epistemo-Ontological Expansion. Database aesthetics, Modular Storytelling.