Frédéric Dubois
Freelance producer & PhD candidate / Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLFFrédéric Dubois is a PhD candidate at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. His artistic research PhD explores the social impact of interactive documentary by developing impact metrics around the open source documentary Field Trip. He holds an MA in communication studies from Université du Québec à Montréal and a Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University, Montreal. He is the Managing editor of Internet Policy Review – an academic journal on internet regulation published by HIIG.
Frédéric works as a web-based documentary author and producer. He has conceived, directed, produced and distributed award-winning interactive features with the National Film Board of Canada, Arte and SZ.de, among other. He is the organiser of storytelling hackathons, web-documentary meet-ups, as well as the annual VR Conference for Journalism and Documentary, in Berlin.