The docmedia research group at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF started up its activities in mid-2018. The publications listed here draw on research done in a variety of contexts, prior to the official kickoff. This section will be updated every quarter.


Dubois, F., 2018. Interactivity as a key feature redefining documentary reality. Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication, 21(30), 31–44.

Eder, J., 2017. Empathie und existentielle Gefühle im Film. In: Empathie im Film. Íngrid Vendrell and Malte Hagener (eds.). Bielefeld: Transcript 2017, 237-270.

Eder, J., 2017. Affective Image Operations. In: Image Operations. Visual Media and Political Conflict. Jens Eder and Charlotte Klonk (eds.). Manchester: Manchester University Press 2017, 63-78.

Lugmayr, A., Risse, T., Stockleben, B., Laurila, K., Kaario, J., 2009. Semantic ambient media—an introduction. Multimedia Tools and Applications 44, 337–359.

Lugmayr, A., Stockleben, B., Zou, Y., Anzenhofer, S., Jalonen, M., 2013. Applying “Design Thinking” in the context of media management education. Multimedia Tools and Applications 71, 119–157.

Stockleben, B., Thayne, M., Jäminki, S., Haukijärvi, I., Mavengere, N.B., Demirbilek, M., Ruohonen, M., 2017. Towards a framework for creative online collaboration: A research on challenges and context. Education and Information Technologies 22, 575–597.


Eder, J. & C. Klonk, eds. (2017) Image Operations. Visual Media and Political Conflict. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2017.


OnCreate – Creative Processes in Online Collaboration: Results of a networking and research project on new creative workflows in digital media production.

Video Activism 2.0: Research project on Web videos between social media and social movements